Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding

Destination Wedding  -

in Puerto Rico Registro Demografico
Destination Wedding  - Destination Weddings Form in Puerto Rico. Online Procedure and Forms. Demographic Registry, Health Department PR, USA. Services Guide.
Destination Weddings
The future spouses must both visit the Demographic Registrar's Office, obtain all documents required by the Vital Records offices and comply with the legal requisites for the ceremony. Before wedding preparations, must fill all the formalities necessary for this registry.
Medical certification. Puerto Rico accepts a medical certification that complies with all tests required to enter in marriage in their place of residence, and will not insist upon mandatory laboratory tests necessary in our jurisdiction, for men and women non-residents of Puerto Rico who wish to get married on the Island. According Sec. 2 For purposes of this section.
Medical Certification. Statement or certification from an authorized medical physician which indicates the compliance of all tests required to enter in marriage in their place of residence. Please specify if lab test is not necessary. The certification has a validity of ten (10) calendar days subsequent to the date of issuance, and following these, will not be able to get married until a new medical certification is issued. Medical Certification (Example)
A sworn statement or affidavit which stipulates the following:
Non-residents of Puerto Rico;
The purpose of the visit is solely to marriage;
Duration of the visit; if a foreign citizen, establish that he/she will not stay in Puerto Rico for more time than what was specified in the permission to enter a United States Territory, granted by the corresponding federal agency.
Sworn Statement - If the sworn statement is written in the United States, the public notary's signature, before who the statement was made, must be authenticated by the state County Clerk (in some cases, this corresponds to the Secretary of State). Example Sworn Statement Document
Valid photo identification, issued by the government of the state or country of residence. Accepted official identifications: Driver's License, Passport or State Identification. Expired or mutilated is not acceptable.
Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Stamp for the sum of $150.00
Original birth certificates; the names will be documented exactly as they appear on the certificates. If have legal change name provide evidence from courthouse, documents has to be sealed as a certified copy.
Divorce decrees from all previous marriages, or in the case of widowhood, the spouse's death certificate. Original documents.
Lawyers and Celebrants must be registered through and authorized by the Demographic Registry in order to officiate marriages in Puerto Rico.
Form RD2014 - Provided by the authorized Registrar to the intending spouses. The form RD2014 must be completed and submited to the local Demographic Registrar's Office, supplemented by both the Sworn and Medical statements.
The Registrar will verify that all documents and information provided is correct, before completing the Marriage Certificate and issuing the License to get married.
Minors of 21 years of age must be accompanied by both parents with legal guardianship, duly identified, who will sign the marriage certificate in the presence of the celebrant.
The celebrant is obligated to submit the marriage certificate and matrimonial license to any Demographic Registrar's Office, regardless of where the matrimonial rituals were celebrated during the subsequent ten (10) calendar days after the celebration
Requirements Destination Wedding
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